You can display it upside-down too. That is how I have on display on my wall!

Welcome to Alberta!

Welcome to south-side Banff, Alberta!

Welcome to Banff: Part 2.

The Light is to Travel.

A Sunset Everlasting.

Just working on his tan.

Just working on his tan.

Every species enjoys one!

There may be a dinosaur over there in Alberta or not!

Ice cream!!

Gangster Boss.

I am completely aware this has nothing to do with Canada and should not be in this folder. I am not that geographically-challenged! However, Fremont St. in Las Vegas is the World’s Largest Outdoor screen and is as cool as can be!

Summertime is a nice time.

Wherever they may go….

Canada, and its quiet setting….

It’s an “S!”

It is good to reach out.

Here’s Wishing You All The Best!

A Great Vessel in its own right!

How Canadians get to school!

A Movie


Three Magic Wands

Parents and their children

The World of the West


On the Road Again….

Everything can go anywhere! And, this is just cool!



It is all in my city!

Seeing through Time

The subtlety of it all

Wherever Heaven is, it’s close by!

Couldn’t even tell you….

Where a kind family learned their values….

Ah, Winter!


Life, and wherever it may lead….


Enjoying their Sunday

Shanghai and its towering Tower.

The World’s First Roller-Coaster!

An everyday search for peanut butter like anywhere else!

Old and New.

Where it’s at in Shanghai.


Probably isn’t much to look at, but I just liked him.

Preservation at it’s finest.

I wish I could accept his “blowing bubbles contest” challenge!

Information! In the ancient Yu Yuan Gardens of Shanghai, China!


How old could this be?

A Stream in Ancient China

Yu Yuan Garden

Yu Yuan Garden In Full Bloom

The Rock is carved into a type of dog; dragon; hog; or bear; but is one grand beauty! Like China!

She was named “Willie.” I was honoured by my new friends I made in Shanghai at the AT BAR; to name her so I named this newest life after my own cat growing up, Willie, whom had lived for 22 years!

Going in Deep!

Two schools of School.

A Bridge Not Far

To sit gently on this with a beautiful woman….

Is that a rope-tin can telephone line? How ancient IS China??

It’s always good to have a roof over your head.

Terracotta Warriors of China.

The Bund of Shanghai and the Shanghai Tower. Or, as I disgustingly joked: The World’s Largest Anal Beads.

The Sliding Glass Door. This is a marvel of Interior Design. The Chinese can brilliantly design all the World’s technology and Commerce; but not something as simple and needful as a Wall. This was my apartment! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?? This made me laugh very hard as I declared to my travel companion: “Geoff: with this, we have to be in CLEAR COMMUNICATION at ALL times!!”

This is my favourite photograph I have ever taken. Taken literally 20 minutes into my arrival into Venice and into Italy.

Northern West Coast just north of Cinque Terre. In a small town called Levanto.

“Hello! My name is Simon Seline. How are you? I have no Italian blood or ancestry and all I can say is may you see Italy in your Life. It is breathtakingly gorgeous.”

Capri’s Hammock. The Entrance to the island in the South of Italy called Capri.

It is the oldest form of international travel & still as beautiful as the first one.

Nestled in the east side of the island of Capri and is one my favourite photographs.

Travel; and travel to the Mediterranean….

Hiking along the 500-year-old medieval hiking trail along North-Western Italy, it makes one wonder who truly invented the Fan first.

“Sometimes when you stare into the abyss; the abyss stares back into you.” – Nietzsche

Outside Riomaggiore, along the trail.

…and a Hello Back!!

Cinque Terre; the hiking trail!

The Friends you make when you travel!


This little babe looked up from beside of a wide, resounding Bay along a medieval hiking trail. Caught her in a glance, and she glanced back! (or Up!)

Cinque Terre, the Northern Part of it. Italy is epic.

Nature’s Bouquet

This is surprisingly not in black-and-white!

The Great Coliseum of Roma. How often do you get to see inside of it? This is older than the languages I know and that I know of!

A sidestreet in Florence exactly one block east of the city’s busiest main boulevard.

The view of south-east Florence from the old church called the “Duomo.”

Northern Florence. Hey! Look! A rooftop!

Western Florence and the Duomo’s little brother!

Florentine Life….

…just beside the Ponte Vecchio, Florence’s old and gorgeous bridge.

Florence’s South Side

This is a pictograph in the ancient ruins of Pompeii. Pompeii used to be a port city. Before Mt. Vesuvius erupted and decimated city, it used to have a thriving seedy underbelly. Since so many sailors from all around the World, possessing all the World’s differing languages would land there, they would hit the brothel. But rather than try and talk to their lady-of-the-night to communicate which sexual position they had in mind; there are six rooms and in each of the rooms is one pictograph of a sexual position. The lady-of-the-night would then take their gentlemanly suitor/sailor to each of the rooms and then the sailor would point at which sexual position he’d like to perform with the girl and then that would be what they would settle on for the duration of it. So, yes, my sight includes a photograph of an ancient brothel!!

A gorgeous port town no one knows about.

We are back to Cinque Terre; to a town that looks beautifully exactly as it did back in the 1500’s!

I climbed to the Top of Mt. Vesuvius the volcano and it just felt good!

Old, beautiful ruins of Pompeii. In the South of Italy.


I am highly-likely not the first man to take this picture; nor will I be last; or even the best, but it is just such a sight to see and I could not not-share! The Coliseum will leave you speechless!

In the south of Rome. Outside the Mouth of Truth. I love these guys. I call them the “Sons of the Sun.”

How many people and photographers snag this cool angle?? Which his older: The Sky or the Structure?

This is one way to curb public intoxication!

Are those supposed to be umbrellas or court-jester hats?

Siena is awesome.

Barely even saw him; but he is cool. Imagine if he were built near a busy bike trail?

They get straight to the point in the over 1000-year-old medieval Tuscan city of Siena, eh?

I have no idea how many lemons are in this photograph.

Bliss. This is one of my favourite places in the World.

Just having a little lunch.

A Gondolier. Who wouldn’t want to be one?

Where are the keys?

South Venice.

Venetian Bells that blind.

I call this one “Juliet’s Lovely Locks.” In the old city of Verona, at the shrine & garden built in honour of Juliet and Fair Verona; this gate stands. Lovers from around the World come to visit Juliet and her gate & in wanting to commemorate & “lock” their love, they lock a lock to Juliet’s gate & discard the key. The key is lost & thus the lock cannot be broken; & neither can their everlasting love.

Staring down into the face of the volcano Mt. Vesuvius, how cool is it that it is making a “V”?

No, I wouldn’t want to ski down into this volcano either. It might trigger it!

Going in Deep. Into the Volcano. I wish I had remembered my grappling hook!

This is the gulley and trail remains on the side of Mt. Vesuvisu. It was formed by the lava that exploded and streamed down the volcano and that destroyed and buried the ancient city of Pompeii and back in the year 79 A.D.!!! I wish I had a toboggan…

Taken on my last day in Venice. I still see a new surprise every time I glance at this one!

Location: Levanto The coolest movie I ever seen. Levanto is a small port town that is north of Cinque Terre. It is barely known of, and that is the way they like it. I sat there and watched thee surfers until sundown as I had never seen such freedom and joy so personified. They were totally liberated. Just surfing their brains out! It was amazing. This is one of my favourite pictures taken in a town I only even went to because they had available lodging! In face of all of Italy’s beautiful headliners Levanto provided one of the best landscapes I had been to.

GOOD MORNING!: This is one of my favourites. It reaffirms why Life truly is a beauty!

Not a bad way to have a cocktail….

Anyone have a skipping stone?

To stroll, hand-in-hand….


Take me there! To this! It will unwind you…

How a good day will ease….

How often do, and should, you get to see a cool view like this?

One of my first and favourite pictures.

Exactly how YOU stand out beautifully!

The view from on top of the Coba Pyramid in the Mayan Riviera. Where’d my Frisbee go?

Worth it

Also just worth it.
Hope you like them! Hope you liked the site! Hope you tell people what you like about it!